Within the Castroite forces which earlier cheered guerrillas have arisen currents that seek to rethink their strategy. 15 Years at the north end of Latin America (Mexico) burst subcomandante Marcos with an insurgency that was not looking for taking power but want to reform it. Today at the southern end of the region (Chile) advances the candidacy of the son of Miguel Enriquez (Chief of the revolutionary left movement). Marcos Enriquez-Ominami was born in 1973 (shortly before the coup of Pinochet who killed his father in 1974), and was adopted by Ominami, a mirista which became monetarist. Frame demarcated from the Marxism of his father to raise a discourse that does not speak of socialism or revolution, but of change and anti-corruption. Frame of the Socialist Party of Bachelet and democristiana-socialdemocrata consultation (which has had the last 4 Presidents of Chile) would leave him longing capture in the first round to the Socialist electorate or apartidar it which does not want the Democrat dynasty Frei (who holds the official candidacy consultation) back to power. Framework is accused of being advertised on the right who want to divide opponents of Pinera, although he might want to repeat at the left that Pinera made in right (renewing it and looking for his candidacy points to win the next presidential election). Isaac Bigio is an international analyst.
Write to dozens of media on 5 continents. He received degrees and postgraduate courses in history and economic policy at the London School of Economics & Political Sciences. In this one, considered the leading international university specializing in social sciences, he has also taught political science and public administration. Original author and source of the article.