Most types of parts are common to all machines. Only a few can be considered specific to the machine for different purposes. Consider the most general classification of machine parts. 1. Execution of machines and their units from different elements leads to the necessity of linking components together. Hence, the first group of parts, as the most common, is a group of fittings and joints.
Some of the details and the data elements after their production may be connected permanently without further disassembly. This connection is called a one-piece and osuschestvletsya by welding, soldering, riveting. Disconnection is not possible without destroying them or due to danger of damaging them. There are elements that are in use to uncouple, such as inspection, cleaning or replacement. In these cases it is impossible to apply the permanent joints and had to resort to split compounds which include bolts, pins, wedges, etc. 2. Each machine consists of motor, gear and actuators.
The most common of all cars are the gears. Motor and actuators tend to have more specific details. Mechanical Power Transmission is most conveniently carried out in the rotational motion, which may be continuous and have a great speed. For energy transfer in the rotational motion of the main applications are: transmission shafts and couplings. Transmission of rotational motion is a mechanism to transfer power from one shaft to another, as Typically, a change that is with a decrease or an increase in angular velocity and with a corresponding change in torque. 3. Rotating parts of transmission – gears, pulleys, sprockets – mounted on rollers. Shafts serve to transmit torque along its axis and for maintaining these parts. To maintain the same rotating parts without reference to a net torque are the axis. Shafts are connected by couplings that are constants that do not allow their separation by paper machines, and grip, allowing for coupling and uncoupling shafts. Shafts and shaft rotate in the bearings. Last fall on sliding and rolling. 4. For reorganization various movements, movements of a given law of change of speed and movement with a complex trajectory is used lever and cam mechanisms: cranks, connecting rods, rocker arms, prisms, wings, slides. 5. For Many devices use the machine elements in the form of elastic springs. They are used: for protection from vibration and shock, especially wide in transport vehicles – cars, wagons, etc., for energy storage – spring wind-up in hours and other mechanisms; for reversing a cam and other mechanisms, to create tightness, etc. 6. To increase equal to the movement and adjustment of machine parts, as well as to accumulate energy required to power the growth processes that use it to shock or its perception (in percussion machines) used parts are used to perform their functions a lot – flywheels, pendulums, weights, woman, Chabauty. 7. An important group of account details and mechanisms of control. For machines of energy characterized by the details in the form of cylinders, pistons, valves, wheels, blades and discs of various turbine rotors and stators of electric machines. For transportation machines characteristic of wheels, tracks, rails, screws, water and air, hooks, buckets, shovels and other tools for machine-specific are: mold, rolls, Chabauty, women, bullets, calipers, plowshares, blades, spindles, spools, spools and shuttles.