Must Poverty IN Old Age Be This?

So the State shall (for) its citizens just once 984 euros is the average monthly payment of the statutory pension, which can count on German pensioners. This is too much to die and too little to live. According to a study by Bernd Raffelhuschen, are assigned to pension expert and finance Professor at the University, Freiburg meets this particularly hard pensioners who live in large cities, and only on the statutory pension income. Only who obtained at least 60% of previous gross income is can keep his accustomed standard of living in Germany. Every year many pensioners in the countries (E.g.

Thailand) hike to enjoy your well-deserved retirement in a low-cost frame. This number will rise if offered appropriate accommodation with care according to Western standards (to 1/3 of the cost in the West). Other legs of the retirement (pensions, income from leasing and rental, interest income) play an important role, but that is here again The Ministry of finance to control screw. According to a study of the Covenant of the taxpayer, the border from which pension income are taxable, has declined since 2005 from 1441 to 1289. In 2010, it falls to 1276 euro. Starting in 2010, 60% of pensioners are already subject to tax. Hunting on pensioners as tax evasion was arranged by the Ministry of Finance on the financial offices. Who believes the protestations of this damp Government that only a payment is required from 200 euros tax debt? It will once again be the evidence as transferred the former service providers of the company with the feet.

Dieter Ondracek, Chairman of the German tax Union: “normal pensioners are not in the sight of the tax investigation. You not even a top priority”. End of quote. Everyone may find his own interpretation of the last words. The initiators of villas come back offer an alternative to the devastating conditions in care centres with excessive costs and meticulous care plans. Comeback Phuket offers the service as well as the service to emigrate with an open dialogue.

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