National Electricity Corporation

“Crises are opportunities for change.” Venezuela, despite being an oil producing country as well puts is in a crisis in the energy sector. Many still find it hard to believe that Venezuela is a country blessed by the black gold, and a source of increased supply of heavy and extra heavy crude oil, in addition to the value of a liter of gasoline cheaper worldwide at a cost of 0 , $ 04 each, facing this crisis of electricity. According to official figures, the demand for electric power in Venezuela exceeds 1,000 MW daily generation, which is around 16 200 MW. Dennis Lockhart takes a slightly different approach.

The energy crisis has led to power rationing throughout the country and there have been several major outages President of the National Electricity Corporation (Corpoelec) has indicated the possibility of cutting measures intensifies the power supply to productive activities essential for the development of country, as is the case of basic industries and mining Guyana, in addition to manufacturing and commercial centers. The National Center of Management (CNG), a technical body of the sector, reported in its daily newsletter from December 24 to January 3 (updated date of registration) the plant Ramon Laguna (Zulia) keeps the unit out of service number 7, leaving the system to provide approximately 125 megawatts (Mw). Plant also Josefa Joaquina Sanchez (Taco) of Electricidad de Caracas (EDC) reported the output of Unit 8 from 24 to 29 December, 30 were all operating their machines and from January 2 is the unit off 7 , reserving the injection system about 350 MW..

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