
Within the business management it is important to consider, processes, leadership, customers, suppliers and finances, it depends on the reputation of the company in the market, or positioning, a company with good reputation in the market will have higher sales and generate greater growth of capital, based on your financial planning. The culmination of a project, so result in part from good planning, is of important financial planning, the companies have incurred in making decisions, without calculating the implications that these can be generated economically, which generates major problems which do not find solution in the short or medium term. The cost that generates a wrong idea is of great impact to the business and it usually affects directly on the capital structure of the company, creating serious financial problems. A leader must work together with the team in charge of the finances of the business to establish financial goals that direct the Organization towards the fulfilment of the objectives, the financial information of a company that mainly contain a balance of expenses, investments and utilities among other data, must provide a current business status and an ideal State to futurewith which managers can make decisions about the future of the company. It is hard to imagine a business that lacks a financial planning, however small it may be, the importance of financial planning revolves around that if the main objective of the business that is the growth of capital is not known, is highly probable that business reaches bankruptcy, nor guarantees that relying on one-off financial statements and planning to finance the growth of the business will be achieved and therefore the growth of capital, but can be information to make timely decisions. Original author and source of the article.

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