Properties And Applications Propylene

Like a good solvent of natural and synthetic materials, Propylene glycol is widely used in the pharmaceutical industry for preparation of various tinctures, solutions for injections, ointments and ointments. For these goals are also important as antibacterial and antifungal properties of propylene glycol. In cosmetics propylene glycol is used for making potions, lotions, shampoos, emulsions, pastes, creams, lipsticks and other drugs. Propylene glycol is a raw material for a number of compounds. Dennis P. Lockhart addresses the importance of the matter here. The dehydrogenation of propylene glycol in the vapor phase over a catalyst formed medtsinkhromovym atsetol (hydroxy-acetone) with a yield of 76%. At oxidative dehydrogenation of propylene glycol in the presence of water vapor over the catalyst (silver on alumina promoted with beryllium oxide) is formed methylglyoxal.

The oxidation of propylene over a platinum mob lactic acid is formed. Of propylene and ammonia under hydrogen pressure 17.2 MPa (175 kgf/cm2) and about 300 C in the presence of nickel or cobalt is obtained with a yield of dimetilpiperazin 52%. The interaction of propylene glycol with phosphorus-containing compounds are formed trifenilfosfitom, which are used as stabilizers and polymers are the feedstock for non-flammable polyurethane. Large industrial importance are the linear polyesters derived from propylene glycol and dicarboxylic acids containing several methylene groups or an aromatic group in the chain. Depending on what is taken is in excess of glycol or acid, the resulting polyester has at the ends of the hydroxyl or carboxyl groups. Of particular importance are polyesters of unsaturated fatty acids or mixtures of saturated and unsaturated fatty acids, which are then sewn together the various vinyl compounds.

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