Real Estate Companies

Development of a real estate agency on the basis of intellectual capital. Real estate agencies, immersed in a struggle with the crisis in the pursuit of making money do not pay attention to their own intellectual property. We are not talking about large agencies that have long called attention to a very important component of his business, and got the full package of intellectual property. Intellectual property consists of the organizational capital – structure, organization of work, databases and so on, human capital – is no comment, and customer capital – customers. In order to manage than what you need first find something to control, and that would find something to control, you need to understand what can be controlled. Intellectual property management brings good dividends. Thus, we begin to disassemble what intellectual resources are in real estate agency. First, and most importantly human resources employees. To improve their performance and achieve an adequate quality of work have a lot to teach their employees. Employees must know the code of laws of the Russian Federation, the rules of conduct, business ethics, marketing, sales experience and more. How to train high quality employees? There are many opportunities and paid training and knowledge transfer, and business games. But I just I hear that now we will train its employees spend money on training them and they will immediately leave our company. Yes, of course, they will do it if you tell them do not offer the normal working conditions. How do we hire employees, under an employment contract, do you think people are comfortable with.

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