That is to become the so-called "jobbers." Another option – to organize a company under the trademark of a well-known oil company, joining with her in the franchise relationship. Today in a large number appear as direct subsidiaries of Lukoil, Yukos, Rosneft and other major players, and private traders. Moreover, many oil companies are rapidly revising plans for the construction of new gas stations towards the intensification of trying to have time to get own trading network to the general fall in prices for oil exports. Experts believe that by 2005, retail gasoline market and be satisfied with the new column will not needed. Construction cost of petrol stations to start you have to rent land and to acquire special licenses for storage of oil, gas and refined products. Licences issued Mintopenergo. However, fear no difficulties worth it.
During the execution of documents in the ministry charged a small fee. But for the right to erect a filling station at a specific site will have to pay. Earth, for example in the Moscow region, with registration of all necessary documents will cost 100,000 dollars of existing firms, which for the money take care of all paper and organizational red tape and bring you into the office ready documents. High cost due to the fact that in Russia there rather stringent building codes, and hence the need to coordinate documents for the construction in different instances. That is for this reason, in our country is not yet possible mini-stations, as is customary in many Western countries.