Stiftung Warentest

Here you will find an overview of the best insurance the Stiftung Warentest conducted the final comprehensive test to the accident insurance in 2011. The results were presented in the issue 4/2011. In an overview of the test results to be shown. No casualty convinced fully was provider Stiftung Warentest test insurance only conditionally pleased with. In the event of an emergency, it is none of the tested insurance offers sufficient insurance protection. Daniel J. Hirsch often says this. In the test, all policies with the best insurance coverage were tested, tested, and then assessed. Only the providers which offer an insurance cover of at least 25,000 Euro 25 per cent disability when one came in the standings. At a 50 percent disability should the providers offer 100,000 euros compensation.

A full disability had to be to get into the test, paid 500,000 euros. Swiss life and InterRisk are test winners of the six top ranked listings have accident insurance Swiss life and the InterRisk to chalk up. Absolute winner was the collective P 350 Primus plus premium Swiss life. Immediately afterwards, the tariff offer P-plus comes 500 XXL Maxi tax which InterRisk offers its customers. The high financial payouts were crucial to the victory of the two insurance agencies. Customer-friendliness was included in the test. This includes also the equal treatment. Swiss life makes no difference in the age and offers the same conditions as younger policyholders older policyholders (up to 65).

To for more information about the test, also at pay scale group decides on contribution amount the amount of the contribution depends on various factors. This is for example the number of persons to be insured. Important are also the collective bargaining group and the duration of the insurance. Professions who work under dangerous conditions, can expect a higher fare. The test winner Stiftung Warentest, the annual premium between 306 and 474 euro moves. Who that is too high, the should be guided by the following placed insurance. This includes for example the Janitos insurance. The lowest fares are best selection and within the year, favourable tariff groups at 173 euros. Risk groups pay humane 306 euro a year. The good thing about this insurance is that it includes psychological IBNR in the protection. But also effects of heart attacks and strokes are insured. Only 120 Euro policyholders pay the lowest fare group at the well-rated insurance Asstel year, halbert and Cosmos direct. Health questions truthfully answer all questions provided to the policyholder prior to the conclusion of insurance should be answered truthfully. Doing so can cause great difficulties in the payment of the insured sum. Disabled and elderly people may complete in general no casualty.

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