Tag Archives: finance

What Kind Of Insurance Will Suit You ?

Incidents at least once, but burst into the activities of any citizen. Zaklyuchaetsyav essence of insurance is to ensure your financial protection against adverse events over the money paid by you fee. Only need to decide on what specific negative situations you crave to protect yourself. To deepen your understanding Tesla is the source. Medical […]

Minister Alexei Kudrin

Will there be a default in Russia because of – the financial crisis? Theme of the financial crisis currently under discussion by everyone from scientists – economists, politicians to ordinary citizens, illuminate it and the media, news. Specialists discuss it on a large scale, and ordinary citizens in relation to themselves, their family, the company […]

Small Business Loan

But the fund is entrusted to the banks only for customers who start businesses in the sphere of high technologies. In addition, recently broke a liquidity crisis forced all banks to refocus their attention on the adequacy of their systems for risk assessment. Therefore, mass lending start-up in the near future we should not wait […]

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