The Banks

In Ukraine, the paint for facades are now offering both foreign and domestic manufacturers. For example, over the past two years the Ukrainian consumer is actively using facade 'Olympik' made in Germany. Made as to the basis of acrylic latex, and on the basis of full acrylate paint have many advantages: they are resistant to weathering, are convenient in application, are not afraid of direct sunlight and can 'serve' 20-30 years. Exclusive supplier of paints 'Olympik' the company 'constant Ltd.' s developed dealer network, which also offers a wide range of paints for interior use. THE PROBLEM OF DOMESTIC PRODUCERS As noted by the majority of respondents Ukrainian producers of paints, home now time problem – the presence in the market of products of small, often illegal production.

This production is a serious competitor in the price aspect, in spite of the dubious quality produced by their colors, some consumers desire to save in price leads to the prosperity of these manufacturers. Sometimes manufacturers are faced with counterfeiting of goods under its own brand, which invariably leads to huge losses. Therefore, to protect their products, many began to produce bottles with lithographically patterned: it is applied directly to the surface of the banks and a bank do more difficult than the paper label. But and this course at present specific results Ukrainian producer of coatings does not work – our country has always been famous for 'jack of all trades'. Many market operators noticed that some local components paint products as good as imported ones. The same applies to imported equipment.

Sometimes, according to experts, just need to use the equipment of domestic production, imported as bad processes Ukrainian raw materials. Particular difficulties arise in the Ukrainian manufacturers working with government and parastatal institutions. Latest in no hurry to pay for the consumed products. With many industries have to work on deferred payment, which in turn inhibits the normal development of the business.

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