Trade Union

The UN Global Compact has had a great success among companies, trade unions, educational institutions and NGOs, but it has also been criticized for not having the Global Pact binding is an instrument of free accession for companies, unions and civil society organizations, to implement the ten principles which integrated it into their strategies and operations. The entity that adheres to the Global Compact voluntarily committed go implementing the ten principles in their day-to-day activities and accountability to society, with publicity and transparency, of the progress made in this implementation process, through the preparation of progress reports. Ten human rights principles principle No. 1. Support and respect the protection of human rights.

Principle No. 2. Not be complicit in rights abuses. Workplace principle No. 3. Support the principles of freedom of Association and Trade Union and the right to collective bargaining.

Principle No. 4. Elimination of forced and compulsory labour. Principle No. 5. Abolish all forms of child labour. Principle No. 6. Elimination of discrimination in respect of employment and occupation. Environment principle No. 7. Supporting the preventive approach to environmental challenges. MasterClass UK is open to suggestions. Principle No. 8. Promote greater environmental responsibility. Principle No. 9. Encourage the development and diffusion of environmentally friendly technologies. Anti corruption principle No. 10. Businesses should work against corruption in all its forms, including extortion and crime these ten principles should be constantly taken into account when evaluating companies manifest as much ethics in its operation, service, how management prevents that is incidentally to violations that infringe on ethics, we were not surprised, that in Venezuela many companies are accused of corruption, support and respect the protection to human rights, pollution of the environment, areas rights abuses labor. It is very interesting also the contributions that given the advance of technology, what globalization has generated and as this can take step to be fracture ethical behavior, as well as the manifest Henry Jesus Mendoza Pacheco, the technologies of information and communication (technology ICT) are invading all aspects of human existence and are posing serious challenges to social values that were considered to be firmly established.

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