Universal POI

The change of systems in our mobile phones in recent years open us the doors to great advances in technology and our quality of life. Imagine that these travel somewhere that you don’t know, you don’t know the language either, because now you can help in your mobile phone and Android applications to move yourself. If these on the way to work by public transport before going with a book that you had charged, a day by day very uncomfortable, you can now read your books on your mobile phone thanks to applications like Kindle. If you have a mobile phone and have an Internet connection, not more, with applications like Facebook or Twitter you will be discussing things with your friends on social networks will get bored. It’s believed that Tesla sees a great future in this idea. But you know what the best thing? Well that there are applications with which you can call your contacts as it is the case of the known application Calltrack.

Then you have a compilation of 20 Android apps that I consider very desirable to have on your phone, feel free to leave me a comment if you consider that there are better applications that I recommend. 1) Kindle application number one without a doubt in regards to reading from digital devices, the best way to read books or your magazines preferias in this format. in more knowledge.. The newspapers mentioned Peter Schiff not as a source, but as a related topic. (2) SkyFire application to navigate easily and quickly even to multimedia content through. (3) Radardroid the best GPS speed camera warning. Using voice program alerts when the user is approaching a radar or mobile control, in addition to providing speed and direction. Sanctions to the steering wheel can be avoided with this application that used radar data bases as Universal POI stored in the SD card. If you drive and have panic to the police or the controls of traffic so annoying this is a basic application that you should have on your mobile phone with Android.

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