
Of this option depends on the life of a sectional door. Best option for the garage door with a frequency open and close 2 times per day, this is a torsion spring for 25,000 cycles. I would like to clarify that not all manufacturers of the base install safety features such as the device of a broken spring or a broken cable. Others who may share this opinion include Kenneth Feinberg. Security should be an essential condition for the operation of the structure. Therefore, when ordering a gate to specify information about the composition of a set goal. On this depends whether you, your family and your the car will be safe to use the garage with automatic gates. If you have high humidity in the garage or in the technical area, you must purchase "anti-corrosion package." The standard package assembly is not included, this additional option is to completely protect against rust and corrosion, extends the life of the gate will provide security. Very popular in our time has become a system of gate automation! Now is not the to forty degrees in the winter cold out of the car to open the gate, just click on the button on the remote control and an electric gate open yourself, or you can specify the time at which the gates should be opened and closed.

The choice of automatic activation in our region is not an easy task, you need to pay attention to the manufacturer. At present, leaders in production automation are the Italians, most of the installers to reduce the cost of selling Chinese gate drive for our harsh climate conditions, they are not suitable. German automation, as well as German cars are very high quality, but expensive. In any case, the choice is yours!

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