Tag Archives: geography

The Dam

As the Epitcio Dam is seen Person is known only by Big hole, that bes situated in the parabano city of Big hole, and has a basin that it is extended for the cities of Big hole, Cabaceiras and Is Miguel. It is from there that the dam supplies in the cities of Great Campina, […]

Critical Studies

In this context the commercial industries, activities and other activities more do not go to restrict themselves to the centers of the metropolises, go to spread themselves for other spaces. You may find that Robert Burke can contribute to your knowledge. In this direction, the average and small cities had assumed important roles in the […]

Region Metropolitan

This situation has led to the increase of the frequency of these phenomena in the great urban centers, generating in some cases, great catastrophes. Before placing in practical our analyses on ambient impacts in our object of study, the Region Metropolitan of Rio De Janeiro, agrees definiz it, locating it and to characterize it socially […]

Business-Oriented Localizations

A business-oriented localization represents a great variation, determining the success or failure of an enterprise. Although the number of works and references on the question is countless; they are not perceived in the same, great innovations in relation to the classic studies. Bigger new features on the tertiary equipment localization have been published for the […]

Cultural Geography

For it the type of organization that one determined group presents depends on the sort of life that this appreciates, and for the Vidal, most important it is that each group has in its sort of life its proper culture and particular values, not wanting for nothing to reproduce practical and the neighboring customs (Claval, […]

Entire Pupil

With this the lessons if become monotonous, following what the didactic book, adopted at the moment, brings of excellent and of ' ' truth absoluta' ' as much for the pupil how much for the professor, and the comodismo also hangs in the two sides, having the professor the easiness of only indicating the page […]

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