Brazil Propaganda

For a majority influenced for the propaganda, as in Brazil, cellular telephone, more than its useful mobility, it is symbol of social acceptance, it identifies the one that classroom if wants to belong. The propaganda not only vende goods and services, vende inlaid marks that load vision politics and optics of development, interests economic politicians and of governments and empresariado. It stimulates the consumption surpassing divulging of characteristics and prices, because it associates styles of life to the goods and services and projects standard of consumption consolidated in the rich countries for the purchasing power of its population. In the propaganda Brazilian, awardee for the creativity and commercial efficiency, have much advertising divulging new models of cellular, even so, nor one at least explain what to make with old devices and used batteries. The propaganda induces the purchase of that alfabetizada is newness for a population badly, with low exercise of the sparing citizenship and understanding of wastefulness and perception of the relation between what it makes and the consequences for the quality of life. The result of as it has been the commerce between countries is rank with crisis in world-wide the financial system, social inaqualities accumulated by the capitalist way of production, disequilibrium of competitiveness, efficiency and profits between developed nations and underdeveloped nations in development or, protections and favorecentes distortions of one enter the parts that the free commerce not yet equated, concentration of wealth, technology and being able of decision on economic and commercial activities, and with the damages, you give to be to become irreversible, deriving of the characteristic prerestitution of the unsustainable economic development. It enters the sides of the same currency that valora the Environment I deal in it exterior are standards, lines of direction, regulations technician, requirements for quality of production and products, ambient management, term of office. of each side its effect can be positive or negative, despite norms, international agreements and treated, with rules to be followed to prevent conflicts, discrimination and damage between the parts that they negotiate internationally, correspond to the precision and urgency to change the direction of the development for sustainable.

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