Campina Experimental

No longer year of 1992 prefeiturapercebendo the situation where if it found the building, it decided desapropri-loficando the year of 1993 closed one which had the judicial battle between the city hall and oirresponsvel enterprise group. Having the gained city hall causajudicialmente it was initiated in 1997 the workmanships of I restore of palacete on the part dFUMBEL that it intended to revitalize the same that was in high risk dedesabamento. Unhappyly the workmanships had been paralisadasfaltando little for its conclusion. What if it observes today is a total scene deabandono of the building, that this being invaded for the weeds and displayed sintempries of the nature, also serving as I take refuge of delinquents, beyond dodesperdcio the money I publish. (Fotoatual of the Palacete Pine. In 03/03/2010.

Proper authorship) the violence against palacete Pine porparte of the power also publishes and for great part of the society, reflects asituao of the indifference and the lack of conscience that we have with relation apreservao of the patrimony of the city where we live, therefore to glimpse ofuturo has that to observe and to respect the past and ours history. 4 TEATROEXPERIMETAL WALDEMAR ENRIQUE (Fotoatual of the experimental theater Waldemar Enrique. In 03/03/10. Proper authorship) the experimental theater Waldemar Enrique, main and more democratic palco of the arts produced in the state was criadooficialmente in 17 of September of 1979 result of the mobilization of the paraense classeartstica, above all teatrais authors, actors and technician quereivindicavam an alternative space with mark of the experimentalismo, the building uma typical construction of the eclectic architecture, where art-noveau of century XIX in Belm predominates the characteristic style. Before the building sheltered old cinemRdium, the commercial museum and the headquarters of the federal government saving bank (avenidapresidente Vargas, 645, Campina), with maximum capacity for 220 people, oespao were restored to mainly shelter spectacles of theater and danade experimental character where it is possible to combine diverse types of palco eplatia.

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