Comand Center Meeting

In times of otimizao, rationalization and reduction of costs. The eighth edition of the event will be carried through in the Hotel Caesar So Paulo Business So Paulo Av., 2181. The Frum de Gerenciamento Corporative eGovernana goes to debate the current world-wide economic scene and the soluesadotadas ones for the companies to reduce costs, to optimize, to rationalize and increases productivity at crisis moments. The event goes to congregate 130 profissionaisentre Ruttings, directors and managers of diverse segments of the economy, commerce, energy, government, industry, outsourcing, telecommunications etc. At the current moment, the caution conducts odirecionamento of the investments in YOU. The maintenance of systems legacies is umamaneira sufficiently efficient to reduce costs and to guarantee the efficiency and expansodestas tools, comments Jose Miranda Luiz, president of the Transformare.

Between the most significant decurrent benefits automatized datransformao of systems legacies is the 40% reduction 60% notempo of execution of the technological evolution; the unification of dediferentes legacies platforms and the generation of documentation technique online in formatoweb, making possible the analysis of impact and reduction of the maintenance costs, affirm the executive. Research of market indicates that 60%a 70% of the general expenses of YOU enters comes of activities of maintenance. In 2001, osgastos with update and maintenance of great servers they had consumed US$ 130bilhes, according to consultoria IDC. Up to the 2010, expectation it is that billions arrive the US$250. Therefore, the increase of the useful life and the productivity of legadosurge as the solution for who does not want or it cannot spend in the acquisition denovos systems. The Transformare possuiatualmente six offers based on automatized processes of documentation eevoluo of legacies: – Plant of Documentation: automatic documentation with possibility of periodic update. – Plant of Improvements: work focado in the otimizao of code.

– Otimizao de Fbrica deTestes: directed service to extend the productivity of tests of new sistemasatuais and. – Auditorship of Plant deSoftware: automation of the calculation of the effort and analysis of impact demanuteno and modernization of systems. – Acceleration of Implantaode Systems of Support: reduction of the necessary effort for implantation of sistemasde support to the decision, the example of Business Intelligence (BI), BusinessPerformance Management (BPM) and implementation of SOUNDS. – Acceleration of the Process deEvoluo of Systems: reduction of the effort necessary to evolve to emodernizar systems. Confiraa programming of the event 8 IT Command Center Meeting In times deotimizao, rationalization and Local reduction of costs: Hotel Caesar So Paulo Business So Paulo (SP) 19 of August Wednesday of 8h to 20h30 20 of August

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