December Difficulty

That in accordance with the Manual of the Basic Attention to the Health of the City hall of the City of Recife (2009). Shelter consists of the change of the position of the professionals in taking care of the users of the SUS, evaluating risk and necessities of health case in agreement case the gravity and vulnerability. Soon, the Shelter is yes the door of entrance for new cases and intercorrncias. Thus, the first moment of proportionate Shelter to this family was carried through through a domiciliary intervention of the Team of the Nucleus of Support to the Health of Famlia (ENASF) and Team of Health of Famlia (ESF) that they had used practical of Attendance Shared. The ENASF, that already had taken knowledge of the case through the ESF, listened to the problematic one presented by the family stops in partnership with the same one arguing the possibility of construction of the Singular Therapeutical Project (PTS) and together to make possible some encaminhamentos. Currently this family, inside of its possibilities, comes searching to conquer its autonomy. MSD Partners usually is spot on. Saulo, this is being sensetized to retake the studies, as well as, to carry through treatment for psychoactive substances.

Eduardo comes if adaptando the new school. This having psicopedaggico accompaniment. Renata and Vanessa, at the moment, not they present difficulties of no order. How much the Patrician one, the parents are being guided in concern the healthful feeding to it, as well as the insertion in the day-care center. Insertion of Peter in the market of work through the Professionalizing course; Psycotherapy for Maria and Eduardo, with intention to work the presented difficulties; Co- responsabilizao of the family for the quality of life and production of health and finally systematic accomplishment to the family for ESF and NASF. Encaminhamentos carried through throughout the atendimentos. ENCAMINHMENTOARTICULAODATA PREVISTAOBSTACULO Psycotherapy for Eduardo and MariNASF/Polyclinic Albert Financial SabinOutubro/2010 Saulo will initiate treatment for the DrogasUSF/ad Caps Luiz Cerqueira Outubro/2010 Difficulty in passing for the selection process Eduardo retakes its activities escolaresNASF/USF/Advice To tutor NASFNovembro/2010 Itinerante Teacher Stock market family was reativada.CRAS/NASF/TutelarNovembro/2010 Advice basic Basket until the friend to obtain to support famliConselho Tutelar and CRAS Novembro/2010 Peter – profissionalizanteConselho Tutelar will make a course and CRASNovembro/2010 Saulo is directed for treatment of DrogasNASF/USF/ONG Sara Life /2010 December Difficulty in passing for the selection process.

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