Federal State Unitary Enterprise

Installing the printing of two-dimensional bar code PDF417 in 1C 8.2 Two-dimensional bar codes – symbolic, designed to encode a large amount of information (up to several pages of text). This code is read using special scanner and allows you to quickly and accurately read information from the documents. This is done to improve the efficiency of data entry from paper, that is, for a quick reading of the accounting and tax statements prepared in machine-readable forms with the application of two-dimensional bar code symbology PDF417. Follow others, such as Chief of Staff, and add to your knowledge base. To print a machine-readable form of tax returns with a two-dimensional bar code PDF417 is necessary so that the computer user installed one module printing machine-readable forms and patterns of machine readable forms. Support for the formation of two-dimensional machine-readable forms, with a bar code included in the kit form regulatory reporting 1C.

Download the latest version of the module on the site of Federal State Unitary Enterprise "Russian Federal Tax Service GNIVTS 'link. After downloading install the module: Now proceed to print the required document. We make it as an example balance sheet. Go to the Reports menu, Regulated reports, select the balance sheet. After filling out the balance go to press, we have to choose between two options proposed one: "Print immediately form two-dimensional shape with a bar code PDF417 . If you select 'Show form shape with a two-dimensional bar code PDF417', then after completing the necessary preparatory procedures on the screen form opens the preview in which provides opportunities to view the generated reports and direct printing. This is how the balance would look like with two-dimensional bar code: To correctly handle the printing plate prepared the tax authority must comply with certain requirements for printing.

The document should be printed only on one side of the sheet is not allowed printing of two pages on one sheet. Should pay attention to quality press. Read information and made a special scanner to properly recognize the information they print must be clear and contrasting. Spots, stripes and blurring of the printer, as well as defects in the area of paper bar code can result in incorrect reading. In this case, there is no guarantee that acceptance comes to the information that you submitted, despite the correctness of the unloading and encryption. The change of geometric sizes printed form is unacceptable. Sheets in the form of machine-readable reporting forms do not bind or sew a stapler stapler – it may damage the unit two-dimensional barcode. Prepared in printed form a machine-readable form must be signed and stamped. Thus prepared statements should be submitted to your tax office as you normally do. The second instance can be prepare in order to put an inspector on the front page of the mark for admission. However, we recommend you keep a 'normal' print reporting form – in the form in which it is approved by the Ministry of Finance of Russia, without a two-dimensional barcode. Article from the site

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