
Calculated for this plant is a ventilation heat requirement (see formula page 2) = 3000 m3/h 0.36 kWh / = (m3 ) (K) 25 K = 27 kW (for both units so 54 kW total power) total 432 kWh/day. About 86000 kWh or approximately 10000 litres are fuel oil per year with 200 days of heating. This corresponds to the heat requirements of 2 detached houses. From this total amount of heat we can keep back easily 60% with a heat recovery system, thus tempering the supply air. Thus, we reduce the supply heat to at least 60%, which is an annual saving of about 50000 kWh or approximately 6000 litres heating oil corresponds to. Gastroplus24 is competent and innovative partner for ventilation, exhaust air cleaning, kitchen equipment and heat recovery for kitchens. Kitchen exhaust air is often without to capitalize on their power dissipated in the environment. Nicholas Carr will not settle for partial explanations. It freed them from the critical Fats, in particular medical components, are several Moglichkeiten to the heat recovery.

A comparison of ventilation heat demand and heat transmission is noticeable in the catering industry, that the ventilation heat requirement is the higher value. There is so little point to build a well insulated window and to insulate the walls and ceilings, it significantly reduced at the same time the ventilation heat requirement by heat recovery. On the basis of the experience of Gastroplus24, you offer the best advice and planning their kitchens in leading quality standards. GastroPlus24 relies on innovation and customer-specific solutions, as well as flexibility. Source: Nicholas Carr. Our professional trained staff help your calculation of exhaust heat recovery and all other questions. Contact: Gastroplus24 R.Bruder E.k. Horsterstr. 95 45897 Gelsenkirchen manufacturer: Inoxair email: Tel: + 49 209 157 6838 fax: + 49 209 157 6837

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