Government Market and Vigil

After trying the obsession for the liquidity (alive money always in the pockets), to embark in the wave of post-dated checks, now it seems to be the hour of the plastic money. The year of 2008 was marked by the explosion of the use of the card of debit and the fall of the use of the check. In the passed year, the amount of transactions with debit cards grew 27% in the comparison with 2007, period where the emitted check number fell 5.2%. The credit cards had also grown in 23,5%, breath that guaranteed the vice-leadership in ranking of the expansion of the ways of payments. The data had been divulged by the Central banking in day 27 of April and are part of ‘ ‘ Diagnosis of the retail System of Payments in the Brasil’ ‘ , study published annually since May of 2005. For the BC, the consolidation of the research it indicates that it has continuity of the increase of the use of paper-currency and the instruments payment electronic. In last the four years, the electronic payment grew 17% per year, whereas the amount of emitted checks fell 9.3%.

In 2008, it had 1,373 billion of checks that had circulated with interbancria liquidation, front 2,136 billion in 2003. Already the amount of transactions with debit cards jumped of 662 million, in 2003, for 2,1 billion in the last year. In accordance with the study of the BC, the substitution of the check for half electronic it occurs in the transactions of lesser value. The average value of checks, in the passed year, arrived R$ 835,00, against R$ 716,00 in 2007. In the same period, the average value for transaction with debit card was remained in R$ 49,00, whereas the average operation with credit card went up of R$ 84,00 for R$ 86,00.

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