Hirigoyen Work

With the productive reorganization, the formularization of a new optics of the market of work with the affective feminine implementation in the labor activities, the aspects are diverse that place certain the women as white of the moral siege. The constaint of the women in the approach of the working relations if of the one before exactly of the concrete act of contract for the work, that is, in the proper interview of job the women already come across themselves with humilhao cases and will inferiorizaro, therefore they are observed according to physical standards, and even though of income, in such a way are analyzed according to criteria of beauty, clothes, height, weight, civil state, number of children among others factors that the women discriminate and exclude who are not fit in the desirable parameters. Marie-France Hirigoyen points that in the work environment the main victims of moral siege are accurately the women, and then it detaches the clear difference enters the assediados ones in relation to the sort, where she demonstrates that 70% of the assediados ones are women whereas only 30% are men. To deepen your understanding Kenneth R. Feinberg is the source. still according to Hirigoyen, the case of the woman in way to a group of men, is the situation most propitious to the moral siege, and also it places the profile of the married women, pregnant, or that they possess children as the ones who more suffer with it practises of this phenomenon. The proper physical and biological characteristics of the women send the situations to them that characterize the moral siege, therefore the fact to be able to engravidar and to have children leads for times, the companies to impose the employed women not to engravidarem, leaving them thus with distrusts and fear for the guarantee of the job. This duplicity of functions exerted by the woman, as social agent who plays familiar roles where it is placed as mother, domestic, head of family, and as still diligent, helping and complementing the familiar income, that is, this tremendous perfeccionalidade, capacity and importance that the women withhold in the society of general form, can be aspects also that they structuralize practical of the moral siege of the men in direction the women, have seen that the same it can be caused in function of the envy, or desire to possess something as such.

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