INES Institute

The four periods of training identified in such countries do not seem to be printed in Brazilian reality (MENDES, 1995; DECHICHI, 2001). The phase of the recklessness or omission, that can be observed in other countries until century XVII, in Brazil can be extended until the beginning of the decade of 50. According to Mendes (1995), during this time, it is observed that the referring theoretical production to the mental deficiency was restricted to the half academics, with scarce deficient offers of educational attendance for the mental ones. Learn more at: Home Depot. Between centuries XVIII and XIX we can identify the phase of the institutionalization in other countries of the world, marked for the organicista conception, that had as estimated the idea of the mental deficiency to be hereditary with evidences of degeneration of the species. Thus the segregation was considered the best form to fight the threat represented for this population. In this same occasion, in our country, did not exist no interest for the education of the idiotic considered people and imbeciles, persisting, in this way, the age of recklessness (MENDES, 1995; DECHICHI, 2001). The history of the Special Education in Brazil has as basic landmarks the creation of ' ' Institute of the Cegos&#039 Boys; ' (today ' ' Institute Benjamin Constant' ') in 1854, and of ' ' Institute of Deaf person; ' (today, ' ' National institute of Education of Deaf people INES' ') in 1857, both in the city of Rio De Janeiro, for initiative of Imperial government (JANNUZZI, 1992; BUENO, 1993; MAZZOTTA, 1996). The foundation of these two Justinian codes represented a great conquest for the attendance of the deficient individuals, opening space for the awareness and the quarrel on its education. However, it did not leave of if constituting in a precarious measure in national terms, therefore in 1872, with a population of 15.848 blind people and 11,595 deaf people, in the country were taken care of to only 35 blind people and 17 deaf people (MAZZOTTA, 1996), in these institutions.

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