Liberating Movement

For such briefings, let us observe the historical source: Party of the Hontem freedom for occasion of the session of the managing advice of the redentora league, had congregated if some members of the society that ahi had made for diverse forms to commemorate the great fact asked for of abolition, presented to the parliament for the august imperial princeza regent. During the session, that were concorridssima, they had distributed if close to 30 letters most d? ellas given in homage to the generous feelings of excelsa princeza. Many blocks and streets had been considered free by the commissions in the way of applausos constants and alive. Two bands of musics touched the door of the house. The honored trader Sunday Jose Days declares that the vapors of the cia Par and Amazon are (SIC) of the liberating movement in the interior of the province. He declares more than the commercio of Belm goes to declare not to possess enslaved more, nor to serve itself of slaves. Warm alive applauses and cover the word of the distinct citizen. It was decided to order to cunhar iron medals to commemorate the 13 of May that goes to be redeemed the city of Belm After that, was read the topic of falla of trhono relative the abolition, having arisen itself alive the princeza, to the ministry, all the workers of the cause of the freedom, to the sound of hyno national executed by the bands and while one is enough girandola of fogos it took the greetings to the outdoors of the Amaznia. Later they had directed if all to the palace of the presidency to compliment the first authority (…) For the night since the order of the ritual was soon announced a walk (…) also if it configured in the meetings in which the redentora league deliberated the form of as festejo would happen, explaining the paper of each citizen and the form of as if it desired that the event happened.

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