but must be in the interest of the company so! 2. foreign markets/market segments/partner a Web page is already a good starting point especially now, when the partners to play ‘ but: the Internet replaced no strategic marketing, if also marketing without Internet will not work. Here it starts so that especially when distributing explanatory, complex products, such as, for example, capital goods of local partner is a very important support Yes ultimately for the continued sales success. Now, to find the best partners, the company must first take the trouble to carefully to collect market data of different foreign regions with regard to all relevant market segments in the country of the available potential customers, the potential partner, but also the already active local competitors (what does anyone with whom). Only then will it be able to develop a consistent marketing and sales strategy, a Maximum success promises. 3.
personal contact/usage is important In the age of the Internet is (from younger employees who have grown up so) unfortunately too often forget that ultimately only the personal contact on duration promises success. Having a local partner is necessary and good, and customers appealing to is certainly grateful that he has a contact on-site. But also a very good contact on-site replaced not the personal knowledge of the suppliers. If the contact is only once since, it is enough sure at longer intervals back to renew him and in between, for example, via email or Skype, the contact to keep; without a direct personal acquaintance between the supplier and customer, but the danger that does not a really durable relationship. And for costly, long-lasting and complex products, nothing important. 4. progress and future international is also an engine of progress. So companies with activities abroad operate almost twice as high Expenditure for research and development as a company without activities abroad.
The international competition also calls out, so a company better ‘ can consist at the same time strengthens the company domestically, because they are not only on the height of the technology ‘ but may even have an advantage because the needs in the country are different. Summary: Several birds with one stone be beaten by the widening of distribution abroad ‘: better preparation for future upcoming crises (that which will come alone lies in the economic cycle) and extensive knowledge of existing or future customer needs (particularly technical nature), because each customer has his own needs and the more different needs (especially from different countries) are known, the better are the chances for the future. Michael Richter – international marketing and sales consultant, Seekirch – deals for more than 35 years with strategic Marketing. By the market investigation, to the planning and successful marketing of various capital goods and durable consumer goods on all 5 continents, based on the objectives of its clients. The resulting knowledge and experience he global offers its customers for marketing and distribution, in particular SMEs.