Network Software Solutions

Now Any information, whether sensitive or not, without delay, reach the right people to you. You can also automatically request a read report warning to be sure that the recipient reads it, and not just clicks on the “OK.” With alerts, you can send letters to each user MyChat! Automatic contact list MyChat can automatically create a contact list (Alt + Q), like the contact list in ICQ, and keep it up to date condition. In the list of all registered users will be instant. Now no one can get lost. This option can be enabled or disabled at the request of the administrator. Innovation will be especially useful for large companies with substantial staff of employees. Box code without the HTML markup pleasant innovation for Web-designers and programmers – to insert into a channel or private text without html markup.

Sometimes you need to send a code companion, but the chat starts convert special characters or emoticons in code HTML-tags. When using this tool all the problems with parsing code disappear in an instant. All characters have the same form that had the original version + does not occupy much location in the text messages. Automatic search servers MyChat ability to automatically search MyChat servers on the LAN – no need to remember IP addresses, ports, and the name servers. You may find that Jeff Flake can contribute to your knowledge. All be yourself. Creation Ignore your own list you can not just ignore people who disturb you, but the ban view information about themselves, to refuse to listen to sounds in private. Such a list, you can create and edit any time. Assigning rights to users is more administrators need to chat.

Some customers may obtain the rights that allow them to work with alerts, message board (you can leave here your ad and it will go to all chat users), change the channel topic, create new channels and more. To chat has been specially designed robot quiz. The cost of the quiz is not included in the cost of MyChat server. But when buying a server for 50 or more users have the opportunity to ensure that you receive this robot as a gift. MyChat interface is constantly being improved to ensure that administrators and ordinary users do not even there was a need to read the FAQ. But, nevertheless, the product has a detailed help system on the client and server, also available online. In addition, you can go to a public server on the Internet and MyChat there to ask questions directly to the developers chat all the time that are online. Enumerate all the advantages of this product can be long. But, saving you time, I want finally to summarize. Buying MyChat, you are guaranteed to provide for themselves comfortable and stable messaging system, as well as receive expert technical product support and advice to implement in your network. Chat will be useful for large organizations, as well as brownies networks that recently become more popular. Chat consists of two parts: server and client. The client is free. Server – for a fee. The cost depends on how much the client wants a custom connections to the server simultaneously. Everyone can get a trial version of the server for 30 days.

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