Regional Meeting

They had recorded in the seminary a K7 ribbon that would be sung in the party of the black beauty and afros celebrations until our days. One of the visited houses, received the group that sang some musics, for the young Francimar, Francimeire and Rosa. To the few the group was if articulating the NorteNordeste level, with the group of Black Agents of Pastoral of $fortaleza? CE. In the year of 1988 the I happens Regional Meeting of the coordinators of APNs with support of the Combonianos: seminarista Coconut palm; Foot. Fernando; Seminaristas of the Diocese of Crato? Ce: Roserlndio, Jose Vicente and Gonalo. Resident the Salom Sister in $fortaleza and resident religious Jacinta sister in So Lus had contributed in mstica and animation of the event. In the same year, in So Lus the Regional Meeting of APNs is carried through, with financial support of the Critas in the person of Carlos and Hortncia, as motivadores right-handers, the Archdiocese of Teresina also collaborated.

After collecting deep of donation, they had been to participate 20 afrosdescendentes of Teresina. Later other meeting in Joo had been carried through Person, $fortaleza and Teresina. In the decade of 90 some national Meeting of the APNs, the Regional and local level had been carried through. In 1993, with support of Foot. Clvis sj, Frei Fernncio OFMCap, Halda, Snia Land, Pizeca and Lucineide Barros was constructed to the Negritude Week and citizenship and, Partnership with groups of blacks of Teresina. This week activities had been made as: seminaries, lectures, debates and the traditional party of the black beauty, festejada with diverse not governmental entities.

Afro in adro of the Church had the celebration of the first ecumenical act Is Benedict as the father of Saint Joo Bosco (in memory), Foot. Clvis and a evanglico Shepherd. It preferred not to identify itself not to receive retaliaes from its Church.

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