The Business Of Weddings

Wedding – it is responsible. And before you make a list of guests, you need to finalize the venue for the wedding feast. The answer to the question 'where?', As well as financial resources organizers of the wedding can greatly affect the quantity and quality of visitors. List of invitees discussed together: the bride and groom and their parents on both sides. Separately, ponders the question of is one of the guests may be charged to the efforts of rehearsal.

Particularly careful should approach the selection of witnesses. And while their presence at the wedding need not, however, most young people prefer to engage in marriage 'in front of witnesses. " Witnesses – it's not just a tribute to the tradition, but also a real help to the newlyweds at the most crucial day of their life together. They are actively involved in organizing the wedding, newlyweds accompanied by Throughout the ceremony. Witness helps bride choose a wedding dress and accessories to it, sends out invitations to guests, the wedding day along with the other bridesmaids dresses the bride makes her hair and makeup, as well as taking an active part in the ritual of 'bride price'. Prior to the marriage ceremony, the witness keeps the wedding ring the bridegroom, and during the marriage, if necessary, keep bridal bouquet. In an exchange of rings, the witness takes the bride groom's ring, and then signs the marriage certificate. Similar functions are assigned to the shoulders of a witness who should be around for the groom, freeing it from much of wedding worries.

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