The Origin

Exactly if we have to admit, therefore, antidionisaca trend acting already before Scrates and that in this it only gains one expression of inaudita largeness, we cannot withdraw ahead of the question for which points a phenomenon as of Scrates, that, ahead of the platonic dialogues, we are not in conditions to only conceive as one harnesses dissolution refusal. (NIETZSCHE, 2005, P. 36) As we can perceive, without music is not possible if to speak in tragedy in its original direction. However, it would be an error to say that it would remain the apollonian element in the absence of dionisaca music. Apolo does not live without Dioniso, these is co-operating. What he is inserted in the declining drama is, without a doubt, the rational aspect and the dialectic as form of objetivao of the parts in the absence of the lyric poem, what we know as prologue. Being thus, the tragic direction of the Greeks it started to entoar the last sighs for, soon, condensing itself in resentment properly said: the Christianity.

Although these directed accusations the Scrates, this workmanship, independent of this damage, contained one bigger ambition. The Origin of the Tragedy would have been dedicated to the musician Richard Wagner, what it would point a restoration, an atavism, a species of Renaissance of the Tragedy. In the first wagnerianas operas, Nietzsche imagined the restitution of the tragic, lost direction has times. On the other hand, it is disappointed with Wagner for later identifying elements of the Christian moral, as well as of the anti-semitism and the impregnation of the pessimism of Schopenhauer, whose values would represent the decay characterized for the negation of the life will, and for the resentment, an impoverishment of the direction of the affirmation man. On the other hand, this disillusionment was only capable to incite the nietzschiano intention still more. In Thus Zaratustra spoke, now without the naivety of long ago, Nietzsche calls for itself the great responsibility to restitute the tragic direction of the life, but making great exceptions to this possibility a time that, Zaratustra, personage of this new epic, during much time was moved away from the men and its city.

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