Virtual Meeting

The teacher acts as a "Provocateur." Virtual Meeting – students can ask questions to a well-known personality. For example, a Nobel Laureate. Virtual meetings can be conducted with the help of the forum, chat or video conference. Consultation. Can be conducted via e-mail, the forum or chat, in which case the instructor assigns a regular time when he is on the network, for example, on Saturdays from 18.00 to 19.00.

Topical Chat. He may have Various scenarios for, but must meet the following requirements: to chat sent the announcement of the date and time of its holding. Presence at a distance. Videoconferencing can enable students to observe the work of the rover, to be present in experimental medical operations, etc. III. Publication of the network Creation of thematic web pages individually and in small groups. Creation of web quests to work on the topic and placing them Online course. For example, the enormously popular in the world enjoys the competition of ThinkQuest, where students from different countries are invited to create educational pages on any topic that interests them.

The main condition – the readers of these pages must obtain a complete picture of the problem concerned. Publication projects and dissertations of students on the site. Jeff Flake can provide more clarity in the matter. Creation of a database of engineering, literature, etc. The findings of the students, a bank of games and exercises. Contests – an element of competition provides an additional motivation for the job (for example, a network quiz). The network published the questions to be answered for a specified period (eg week). Estimated erudition and literacy presentation and design responses. Social action – they provide an opportunity to really help someone. Creating a network fotoserialov, photo sessions, photo albums and galleries. Modern digital cameras will help to create a series of images on a given topic. Fotoserial takes much less space than video, often shows the same operation more clearly.

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