Work Formation

E enters another one of its important papers there: it will be to help to transform in fact the interdependence of the desired society. Each time more the society and school need to be in constant interlocution, one and another one interacting in the search of a society joust surpassing the paradoxes caused for the globalization. The same where it is connected with the trends world-wide, the school must be syntonized with the community in which she is inserted, saying its language and dealing with the questions proper of this environment. Therefore some will be benefited and others will be excluded without right the words or benefits. Ahead of this context, the importance to connect the education the basic necessities of the population is visible.

To affirm means it to question that it automatically offers educational either the reply to these necessities and that these last ones are of all evident. A school, therefore, that it does not deny its to them to know produced collectively in the interior of the productive process, in the movements of fight for its interests, in the different cultural manifestations, but that, for the opposite, either one lcus where this to know either most elaborated and if constitutes in an instrument that them authorizes an understanding, more acute, in the reality and a perfectioning of its capacity of fight. One is about a school whose content if elaborates having as starting point the proper experience and reality of the diligent classroom. Reality that it needs to be rescued of the interior of the common sense, the fragmented vises and the proper ones meaconings incultadas for the ideology dominant, and elaborated and returned in its dimension of criticidade and totality. Therefore according to Lapassade, the pertaining to school institution must spread out a new way of functioning and relations not bureaucratic human beings.

The child becomes decision center, or better, the group assumes its proper direction and walks for its proper self management. To live in a democracy requires that always let us assume a position a reflexiva and always critical position, looking for in them not to deviate from our intentions in direction to a democracy condigna.

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